How to Create and Edit PDF Files with Adobe Acrobat X Pro Portable
so i have a sony w200f and the minimum requirement for a) acrobat (b) [direct boot] win-power-cd (c) ms-office 2000 or so i run a full win-xp-home-install with office 2000 and acrobat (just to be safe)
Adobe Acrobat X Pro Portable Download
tried to go to the link from the ebay ad, it took me to a page about a disk that i had bought several years ago, it was a portable acrobat x pro 5.0.0 - whatever the hell that is, and it had a link to download it. i don't remember what was on the disk but i do remember that i used it and it did work. i don't remember the address though.
this is a bin file, not a zip file, extract it with a program like winrar, 7-zip, even winzip. if you don't, you'll get the original, useless exe file, or else you'll download a zip file containing an exe file, which won't work.
i also tried to go to the link from the ebay ad, it took me to a page about a disk that i had bought several years ago, it was a portable acrobat x pro 5.0.0 - whatever the hell that is, and it had a link to download it. i don't remember what was on the disk but i do remember that i used it and it did work. i don't remember the address though.
adobe acrobat x pro portable is the complete package, full featured acrobat pdf reader application with all features of the full version. its an essential tool in your daily work and it is not only a pdf reader, it is designed for business users, who work with pdf documents. the pdf reader application lets you perform the following operations: open, manipulate, annotate, fill, search, search, edit, print, convert, sign, fill forms, create pdf files, sync and search your pdf documents, and view the pdf files and annotations. you can also perform these operations with the most popular adobe acrobat products, such as acrobat reader, acrobat 8 pro, acrobat 9 pro, and acrobat 9 pro extended. you can make annotations, fill forms, perform security checks and more.